He Panui


Latest News

21 Sep 2016
Shelter for all Public witness at Parliament 20 September
Welcome by Congregation Leader Katrina Fabish and Tui Cadigan rsm In the lead-up to this year’s celebration of Mercy Day, ...
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20 Sep 2016
“We cannot sit back” The Whakaruruhou mo nga iwi katoa Shelter for all
Public witness at Parliament today. “It’s really about inviting people to participate, to find their voice and work together to ...
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13 Sep 2016
Te Whakaruruhau mo nga iwi katoa Shelter for All
As part of the Shelter for All reflection and action project, 20 September has been earmarked for a pilgrimage and ...
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07 Sep 2016
Sisters welcome call from Pope Francis for a new work of mercy
Ngā Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand are delighted to learn of the proposal by Pope Francis ...
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