He Panui


Imaging Mercy Today

Imaging Mercy Today March 2017
Mercy’s voice at the United Nations
Imaging Mercy Today May 2017
We’re being dared to Mercy in a new way
Nga mihi atawhai. Six years ago the Sisters of Mercy in New Zealand began their partnership through Mercy Hospital Dunedin with the University of Otago, funding the McAuley Chair of International Health. The project aims at supporting the United Nations’ millennium objectives, particularly those to reduce child mortality, improve maternal health and combat diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB.
Imaging Mercy Today December 2013
Nga mihi atawhai – greetings to all in Mercy! Expected here later this month, for lectures in Auckland and Christchurch, is US Franciscan Sister Ilia Delio. Hosted by the Sisters of Mercy in this country, she will address the topic of ‘Theology and Science’, with a subtext of ‘Christ, evolution and emergent wholeness.’
Imaging Mercy Today November 2013
Nga mihi atawhai - greetings to all in Mercy! Living as we do with oceans all around us, it is tempting to think that human trafficking is not the problem here that it is for European nations whose borders are so easy to cross. But those with an eye to see can recognise the signs of trafficking even here.
Imaging Mercy Today September 2013
Nga mihi atawhai – greetings to all in Mercy! History will be made this month, as Sisters of Mercy around the world join their voices with those of many others on October 19, observed as Global Frackdown Day. Fracking, also known as ‘hydraulic fracturing’, is the process of injecting fluid which contains sand and chemicals at high pressure into rock, in order to fracture it.
Imaging Mercy Today October 2013
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