Imaging Mercy Today
Nga mihi atawhai - greetings to all in Mercy! What would Catherine McAuley like best about our church today? Its invitation to lay people to be involved in mission and to recognise its call to ordinary folk to be holy? Its recognition of theologians - women as well as men - who see faith in God linked to contemporary issues as diverse as fracking and human trafficking?
Imaging Mercy Today November 2015
The Christian church always steals a march on the rest of the world, by beginning its year almost a month before the calendar year has ended. But Pope Francis has stolen the march on us all, proclaiming a special Year of Mercy on 8 December. Sisters of Mercy have welcomed the pope’s initiative and seen this Year of Mercy as an invitation to deepen their own charism and their hopes for the world.
Imaging Mercy Today December 2015
Kairos - a moment to grieve before we act.
Imaging Mercy Today January 2016
Mercy is God's identity card; it's ours too!
Imaging Mercy Today February 2016
Imaging Mercy Today October 2016
Caring for our Common Home – a new Work of Mercy
Imaging Mercy Today December 2017
Deeds, not words, true measure of our worth
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