Imaging Mercy Today
Nga mihi atawhai - greetings to all in Mercy! Four years ago, Canadian-born Maggie Pouw featured in one of our newsletters, for her efforts as a caregiver at Atawhai Mercy Assisi, to get residents as well as colleagues involved in Bike Wise.
Imaging Mercy Today August 2014
Nga mihi atawhai - greetings to all in Mercy! Always a red-letter day on our calendar, Mercy Day this year looms larger than usual, as Sisters of Mercy around the world count down to a special celebration to mark 20 years since Catherine’s House reopened as the centre of Mercy International Association.
Imaging Mercy Today September 2014
Nga mihi atawhai - greetings to all in Mercy! It’s Matariki once again, the Maori new year, signalled by the presence of the Pleiades star cluster in the pre-dawn sky. In Maori tradition, Matariki is a fallow time, a chance to let the soil recover as we make plans for another spring. It’s also a time to learn about whanau or family, to remember our whakapapa or family history.
Imaging Mercy Today July 2014
Sure steps for making us great again ‘and a little child shall lead them’
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