He Panui


Imaging Mercy Today April 2013

Nga mihi atawhai—greetings to all in mercy!‘ How are we to be in mission?’ is one of the questions which our Sisters of Mercy asked of themselves at their Chapter in 2009. And among the brief responses to that question, listed in their Chapter Statement, is ‘in the context of our Mercy story today.’ In the new light of the Easter which has just dawned, and the launching of a new pontificate, now is as good a time as any to look at that context afresh.

Sisters of Mercy New Zealand are a Congregation of around 220 women. As the years pass, fewer of them are directly involved in the more than 20 ministries which belong to Tiaki Manatu, the Sisters of Mercy New Zealand Ministries Trust, though many of them continue to work in a rich diversity of individual and shared ministries. A challenge for those charged with the Trust’s mission is to ensure that lay people who come to work for Mercy, especially in leadership roles, know the story well enough to contribute to its integrity and growth.

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